Tony John



When Apollo's Lyre appeared in Amsterdam

Inspired by the Greek God Apollo's artistic exploits, Theo Gossen sculpted a lyre and hoisted it onto the Koninklijk Concertgebouw roof just before its grand opening on April 11, 1888. A little over a century later, another sculptor replaced the original with a new lyre. And I got a chance to shake his hand - the very hand behind one of Amsterdam's most prominent landmarks today.

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Is there an antidote to Envy, Hatred, and Fear?

Social media feeds provide an infinite stream of algorithm-favouring individuals extolling the modern-day mantra of "Living My Best Life." Positive, upbeat, and even inspiring on the surface, yet one study after another on the effects of social media is pointing to a similar finding - looking at posts of popular Instagrammers leading perfectly Instagrammable lives is making most of us 'normies' feel really, really bad on a subconscious level. With the irresistible power of channels like Instagram, is there anything we can do to avoid getting sucked into social media's vortex of unhappiness?

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SUPERHUMANS walk amongst us!

And they're living, breathing examples of the many, many levels up each of us can live our lives.

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My Amsterdam, more than a City

The city that may not be a city. The safe-haven that's home to more than any.

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